πŸŽ‰ Exciting News! Able and Available & SaskAbilities Partnership

  • Supporters
  • Published on December 18, 2023

🀝 🌟 Hey #JobSeekers and #Employers, we've got some fantastic news to share!

πŸš€ We are thrilled to announce a partnership between Able & Available Job Board and SaskAbilities! 🎊🀝

SaskAbilities: With a rich history in the community, SaskAbilities is a registered charity rooted in Saskatchewan since its inception in 1950. We are dedicated to providing programs and services to people experiencing disability in Saskatchewan, and to building inclusive communities.

πŸš€ What does this partnership mean for you? Expanded Network: Bigger reach within the disability community in Saskatchewan. Enhanced Support: Access to resources and tools for both job seekers and employers.

πŸ“£ Spread the Word! Help us create a ripple effect of positive change by sharing this post with your network. Let's make the job market more inclusive and accessible for everyone!

#InclusionMatters #AbleandAvailable #SaskAbilities #Disability #DiversityandInclusion #Inclusion

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